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Eating with Aligners: What Foods to Avoid and Enjoy

January 18, 2024

Your diet plays a significant role in the success of your aligner treatment. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the foods you should avoid and those you can enjoy while wearing aligners.


Foods to Avoid:


  1. Sticky and Hard Candies: These can damage aligners and lead to cavities.
  2. Gum: Chewing gum with aligners can distort its shape.
  3. Nuts: Hard nuts can harm your aligners and teeth.
  4. Tough Meats: Cutting your food into smaller pieces can help.
  5. Crunchy Snacks: Opt for softer alternatives.
  6. Hard Crust Bread: Avoid hard bread that can damage your aligners.


Foods to Enjoy:


  1. Soft Fruits and Vegetables: These are safe to eat with aligners.
  2. Pasta and Rice: Easy-to-chew options.
  3. Dairy Products: Soft cheeses and yoghurt are great choices.
  4. Fish and Poultry: As long as they’re not overly tough.
  5. Cooked Vegetables: Soft, cooked vegetables are aligner-friendly.
  6. Soft Bread: Choose softer bread options.


Remember, the key to successful aligner treatment is maintaining a balanced diet and avoiding foods that could harm your aligners or lead to oral health issues.

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